The Primary School PE Scorecard is supported by afPE

High quality PE, sport and physical activity depends on 5 key indicators:

30:30 Activity
Engage all children in at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day at school and inspire a further 30 minutes at home.

Profile of PESSPA
Elevate PE, school sport and physical activity as a tool for whole-school improvement.

Commitment to staff development
Support staff development in the effective teaching of PE and sport.

Encompass a broad range of sports and activities to develop children’s skills and expand interests.

Create opportunity for competition and, in turn, inspire teamwork, perseverance, empathy and tenacity.
How does it work?
- Answer 40 quick-fire questions based on the 5 key indicators of high-quality PESSPA
- Our bespoke algorithm calculates your score for each of the 5 key indicators, plus your overall score
- Your score for each indicator is explained and paired with tools, resources and actionable advice
- A full in-depth and bespoke report is emailed to you
- Optional 1:1 free PE, school sport and physical activity health check
- Put your report into practice so your school and PESSPA prospers
Who created the Primary PE Scorecard?
The Primary School PE Scorecard was created by Aspire Active Education Group in collaboration with the Association for Physical Education (afPE). Designed in consultation with primary PE teachers and academics, the scorecard is built with expertise to meet today’s physical curriculum requirements.
Aspire Active Education Group are PE and sport specialists with almost two decades of experience supporting the delivery of physical education, sport and physical activity engagement in primary schools across England.
Association for Physical Education (afPE)
The Association for Physical Education (afPE) is the UK’s PE Subject Association.
afPE provide quality assured services and valuable professional support to the sector to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in PE, school sport and physical activity.

"afPE believes in measuring what you treasure. Physical and emotional well-being are a priority for our children and young people. The challenges are: how it can be measured and what the data tells us, is where we need to plan and inform the curriculum and extra curricular provision. PE school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) must ensure a holistic approach so that there is a significant impact on the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of all children and young people.
By completing the Scorecard schools will receive much needed data to benchmark their current offer and help them shape an objective informed approach to enhance PESSPA across their school."
Sue Wilkinson MBE, afPE Chief Executive Officer

“Each question was easy to understand. With time being very short during the day, this tool is amazing. Short, sweet and simple. I filled it in quicker than a coffee break. It triggered me to question, look into and update various aspects of my own practice.
The instant feedback is class. The report is so easy to follow. It enables you to see where you’re doing well, along with identifying areas for improvement to develop your schools PESSPA.
This tool has not only helped me but our whole school community. I now embed all aspects of PESSPA a lot more across the school day. The other tools and reports around are more of an overview and take time to complete, whereas this tool and its report is specific to you and your school’s ever-changing landscape.”
Robbie Webb, PE Lead, St Jude’s C of E Primary School